Monday, July 28, 2008

This past Satuurday Ngoc and I were joined by all of our close friends for our wedding shower at Megan's house in Napa. We had a wonderful time eating delicious food and sampling dozens of bottles of wine! The evening culminated in a 12:30 AM walk to Denny's for the 6 of us who remained, of which I remember very little. The morning after Megan graciously let us de-tox in her living room watching the fresh prince whoop it up in NYC. Here are some candid shots taken at the shower. Thanks to all who could join!

On a different tangent, the v6 "crushing" continues in the gym. unfortunately, not much else is going down. I find myself losing the inspiration to really sit down and siege any problem that I'm not positive I can finish in one session. Not losing motivation, per se, just becoming "soft" in my climbing obsession. I think this is somewhat fueled by the lack of outdoor climbing in our schedules the past few weeks. Not counting Yosemite, it's certainly been a while! Throw some misc. finger pulley pains and scraped knuckles into that mix, along w/ the upcoming wedding plans, and you've got a recipe for climbing complacency.

I think Ngoc is suffering from the same withdrawal symptoms, as we find ourselves talking more and more about our post-wedding climbing plans. We've carefully constructed a year-long list of destinations for every season...Bishop in fall, Vegas in winter, Squamish in spring and summer, not to mention more bouldering in the valley. How convenient, no?

1 comment:

Greg and Christine said...

Congrats on the wedding coming up soon! Make sure you enjoy the day and have fun on the honeymoon!