Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Not dead, just lame

ok, so it's been a while since my last post...to my reader-base (all 3 or 4 of you), my apologies.

I'm going to have to defer a more illustrative description of the Berkeley Bearathlon to a later post, as I still have yet to finish processing the 500+ photos I took. Dan'l recruited my efforts this year to help take snapshots of the team and competitors from a delicious cornucopia of other CA schools. Pictures (and good ones, if I may say so myself!) to come!

Secondly, Ngoc and I went to the old SLT this weekend with Mark&Co. to shore up additional wedding plans for August. In between cake and flower appointments, we somehow managed to end up $50 in the black on craps and table blackjack. Go us! Thanks in no small part to Michael G. (October '07 employee of the month) at Lakeside! Again, some pictures of the weekend to follow.

Sorry for the lameness. My photoshop has been tied up w/ Bearathlon photos, so nothing is really getting processed :(

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