Friday, June 20, 2008

It's 80 degrees out. There are 20-something's in business casual throwing a football around in the park downstairs.

Last weekend Ngoc and I booked out tickets to Vietnam. Since then, we've been in touch with one of the two reputable guide agencies in Ha Long Bay, starry eyed about all the climbing and possible deep water soloing we'll be doing over there. At some point, it dawned on us that we have absolutely no route climbing endurance.

Solution? Climb 6 days a week and alternate bouldering/roped climbing days. After 3 days of this, I'm knacker'd. Elbows, fingers, shoulders, back...all ache. Back to the drawing board I guess.

Unfortunately, I don't have any groovy pictures for you to enjoy. But since it's on my mind, take a look at some of these DWS shots.

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