Thursday, April 30, 2009

Bishop Redux and Other Happenings

Two weeks later, Matt, Isabelle, Ngoc and myself were back out on the east side for another too-good-to-resist weekend of bouldering. Day 1 started off with some sharp warmups at the Sad Boulders and a send of Molly (v5), a problem that I came nowhere close to sending a year and a half ago, by yours truly. We then all migrated to the Death Star Cave where Matt and I flashed Anti-Hero (v5) and Isabelle and Ngoc put in great work sessions on the same. Unfortunately Izzy suffered a painful pulley strain on her tenth go or so. NOOOOO!!! She'll be back to clean up this problem on her next trip. Also noteworthy, Matt and I put in some work on Beefcake (v10) which is pretty futuristic for at least myself, but we did manage to do pretty much all of the moves.

Day two we busted out to the 'Milks and Matt sent High Plains Drifter (v7) on 5th go or so. Wow that is a full value boulder problem! Movement, height, rock quality, oh my. I got heartbreakingly close to the send, and will DEFINITELY clean it up next time.

As if that wasn't enough, we then jetted back out to the Sads @ 3PM to give Ngoc a few burns on Anti-Hero. She sent on her first go of the day!! We had to force her to take a few laps to get in some video footage and snapshots.

Big thanks for Matt and Isabelle for the funtastic weekend. You two cats are great climbing/eating/driving buddies.

Rewind a week or so: Ngoc and I had a great afternoon with Ashley, who we only get to see rarely these days. We had a little fun up @ Stoneface park before heading to Mark's bday party in our anti-theme green shirts. We're such rebels. Great to see you Ash!

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